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Until Return - Issue 3

Comment: This a picture of the house of Um Adballa in Gaza camp. They have been having a problem with the sewage system for a long time. The hygiene of the house is extremely bad due to this. Um Abdalla, who lost twins while giving birth 3 weeks ago when we went to see her, was still having health problems after birth complications. Um Adballa is a woman with 7 kids. Her husband has been extremely ill for a long time. She relies mainly on assistance from organizations and zakaa money. During her pregnancy she had a number of health problems and, because of the lack of adequate health services, her health only got worse. This caused her to lose the twins at birth. After 9 months, she was only able to receive 5 JD's, which is equivalent to 7 USD, in financial assistance.

Gaza Palestinian Refugee Camp - Jordan




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