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Until Return - Issue 2

Important Dates in Palestinian Arab History
Compiled by: Zahi Damuni and Nader Abuljebain
Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition

The following is a compilation of important dates and events in Palestinian Arab History for the months of November and December. For entire year, please see this page.


  • November 1: Martyr Child Day
  • November 11: Al Takaful Al Osari Day
  • November 15: Independence Day
  • November 29: International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
  • 1917 November 2 The British Foreign Minister, pledges British support for a “Jewish national home in Palestine” known as the Balfour Declaration when Jews in Palestine were less than 8% of the total population. The Palestinian population was 750,000 at the time.
  • 1918 November 2 Reorganizing the Ottoman Turkish governances (Wilayat) by Allied occupation forces. Separating the two regions of Nablus and Acre from the governance (Wilayat) of Beirut.
  • 1927 Palestinian Journalists hold a conciliation and unity conference calling in Jaffa.
  • 1930 Palestinian Christian Orthodox conference held in Jerusalem.
  • 1935 November 17 Conference for Arab Christian Orthodox Youth held in Ramleh.
  • 1938 November 8 Blue paper of Sir Woodhead of the Royal Commission concluds that a voluntary ‘transfer’ is not going to happen and compulsory transfer of population was ruled out. So the commission presented another plan for the partitioning of Palestine to include a Jewish state.
  • 1947 November 17 Golda Mayer and King Abdullah of Jordan meet. Abdullah agrees to a Jewish state in return for annexing all Arab parts of the partition plan to Trans-Jordan.
  • 1947 November 29 UNGA Resolution 181 recommends slight variant of UNSCOP partition plan by 33 to 13 votes with 10 abstentions. Arab Higher Committee rejects Partition Plan. Arab representatives walk out of assembly.
  • 1948 November 15 Villagers of Iqrit and Kufur Baraam expelled.
  • 1948 - 1949 Between November 1948 and mid 1949, Israeli troops expel inhabitants of villages that are 5-15 km inside Lebanese border, followed by inhabitants of Palestinian villages in Galilee.
  • 1948 Massacres at Abu Zreik (1), and Arab Al Mawasi (2).
  • 1953 November 24 UNSC resolution #101 expresses “strongest censure of Israel for Qibya raid".
  • 1956 Massacres in towns of Khan Younis and Rafah.
  • 1957 November 21 Israel finishes drying of Al Houleh Lake.
  • 1966 November 13 Israeli forces attack Palestinian West Bank village of Al Samu’ causing heavy casualties and dynamiting 125 houses.
  • 1966 November 25 UNSC #228 censures Israel’s attack on Samu.
  • 1967 November 22, UNSC #242 reiterates “the Inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war”.
  • 1975 November 10 UNGA adopts 3379 (XXX) which determines that Zionism is a form of Racism.
  • 1977 November 19-21 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat makes shameful visit to Zionist State.
  • 1978 November 29 UN declares date The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
  • 1988 November 15 At end of 19th Palestinian National Council in Algiers, which started 12 November, PLO declares Palestinian Statehood, endorses UNGA Partition Resolution 181 and UNSC #242 recognizing the Zionist state of Israel.
  • 1991 November 19 Israeli police and border guards raid offices of Islamic court in East Jerusalem seizing hundreds of documents in search of "subversive" literature. Documents include court records documenting Palestinian land and property rights.
  • 2002 1, 15 November Israeli attacks on Rafah.
  • 2006 November 8 US vetoes UNSC resolution condemning Israeli actions in Gaza. (Vote: 10 for, 4 abstentions, 1 veto)
  • 2007 Annapolis Conference suggests that the "Road Map" be implemented in order to reenergize stagnant "peace process". 


  • December 7: Intifada Day
  • December 10: Human Rights Day
  • 1917 December 7 Surrender of Jerusalem to Allenby by mayor Hussein Salim Al Husayni (son of Salim al Husayni who was Jerusalem’s mayor in 19th century).
  • 1920 December 13 Third Palestinian National Congress held in Haifa stressed autonomy of Palestine and elected Executive Committee which led Palestinian political movement from 1920 to 1935.
  • 1920 December 23 Marking borders of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Palestine.
  • 1931 December 16 Jerusalem Pan Islamic conference with participation of delegates from 22 countries in support of the Palestinian people.
  • 1947 Haganah calls up all Jews in Palestine ages 17-25 to register for military service. Launches Plan Gimmel, designed to destabilize Palestinian population and occupy strategic positions in country.
  • 1947 Arab League organizes Arab Liberation Army (ALA), a voluntary force of Arab irregulars under guerrilla leader Fawzi al-Qawiqji to help Palestinians resist partition.
  • 1947 Palestinians start three-day strike protesting UN partition resolution.  Inter-communal clashes result in death of eight Zionists and six Palestinians.
  • 1947 Haganah attacks the Abu Kbier quarters in Jaffa, and commits a massacre.
  • 1947 December 11 Zionists bomb buses in Haifa.
  • 1947 December 19 Haganah attacks village of Khiskhas (Safad district) and commits a massacre.
  • 1947 December 20 Haganah attacks village of Qazaza (Ramleh district) and commits a massacre.
  • 1947 December 28, 31 Zionist gangs attackand commit a massacre in the villages of Beit Soriek and Balad Al Sheikh.
  • 1947 Arab Higher Committee organizes 275 local committees for defense of Palestinian towns and villages.
  • 1947 Irgun gang attacks the village of Beit Darras.
  • 1947 Two Syrian small units enter Palestine under the commands of officers Adib Shishakly (Al Yarmouk Second unit) and Mohammad Safa (Al Yarmouk First unit).
  • 1948 December 10 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is announced and includes Right to Return.
  • 1948 December 10 The Convention against torture.
  • 1948 December 11 UNGA 194 affirms the right of the Palestinians to return to their original homes.
  • 1948 December 1, 15, 25 - Three conferences held in Palestinian cities of Jericho, Ramallah and Nablus to reconfirm the earlier decisions of Amman conference and to call for unification of East and West Banks of Jordan River, and to hold general elections to elect representatives for one parliament.
  • 1948 December 18 The massacre of the village of Al Khassas.
  • 1948 December 22 - January 6, Operation Horev launched to drive Egyptians out of southern coastal strip and the Naqab.
  • 1948 Israeli troops move into Sinai until British pressure forces withdrawal (December).
  • 1948 Israeli Army Alexandroni brigade’s attack on isolated Egyptian forces in Faluja pocket is repulsed.
  • 1948 Massacers committed at Um Alshouf (30 December), and Jeez (31 December).
  • 1958 December 8 air battle between Egyptian and Israeli forces over Al Ariesh.
  • 1958 Large conference held in Nazareth against Military Rule. The conference included Arab and Israeli left groups.
  • 1958 Confrontations between Zionist Occupation Forces and demonstrators in Nazareth.
  • 1949 December 8 UNGA 302 UN adopts UNRWA which was established specifically for Palestinian Refugees on May 1.
  • 1949 December 19 UNGA 303 calls for the Internationalization of Jerusalem.
  • 1954 Massacre at town of Qabatia.
  • 1968 December 28 Israeli forces destroy Lebanese civilian planes at Beirut International Airport. December 31 UNCS262 Condemns Israel for attack on Beirut Airport.
  • 1969 December 9 UNGA adopts 2535 (XXIV) reaffirming the inalienable rights of the people of Palestine.
  • 1970 December 8 UNGA A/RES/2672 (XXV) A-D reaffirms right to return.
  • 1975 Municipal elections in West Bank: Israel had deported some of the major nationalist challengers (Dr Ahmad Hamzi Natsche from Hebron & Dr ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hajj from al-Birah both sent to Lebanon), but, with 72% turnout, PLO & nationalist candidates largely successful, eg Bassam al-Shak‘a (Nablus), Fahd Qawasma (Hebron), Karim Khalaf (Ramallah), Ibrahim Tawil (al-Bira). Together with other notables, these mayors form the National Guidance Committee in October 78.
  • 1980 December 19 UNCS 484 declares imperative that Israel re-admit two Palestinian mayors.
  • 1981 December 14 Israel unilaterally annexes Golan Heights. December 17 UNSC #497 decids annexation “null and void” and demands Israel rescind its decision forthwith.
  • 1981 December 19 UNSC #498 calls on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon.
  • 1986 December 8 UNSC #592 strongly deplores killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops. US abstains. 
  • 1986 Israel commits an air raid massacre against Palestinian civilians in Naher Al-Bared Refugee Camp, Lebanon.
  • 1988 December 8 Start of Intifada or uprising against Israeli occupation in Gaza Strip, West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israeli attempts to crush the Intifada condemned around the world.
  • 1988 December 21 Major Demonstrations in 1948 areas in support of Intifada on Peace Day.
  • 1988 December 22 UNSC 605 strongly deplores Israel’s policies and practices denying human rights to Palestinians. US abstains.
  • 1988 December 14 US vetoes a UNSC resolution deploring Israel’s December 9 commando raids on Lebanon. (Vote: 14 to 1)
  • 1990 December 20 UNSC #681 deplores Israel’s resumption of deportation of Palestinians and violation of Fourth Geneva Convention. 
  • 1992 December 17 Israel expells 415 Palestinians to Marj Al Zohour in Lebanon. December 19 UNSC #799 deplores these deportations and calls for their immediate return.
  • 1993 December 4 US vetoes UNSC resolution urging Israel to allow the return of 101 Palestinian Deportees. (Vote: 14 to 1)
  • 1994 December 27 West Bank Palestinians clash with Israeli forces over building of new settlements near Bethlehem.
  • 1996 December 10 Israel issues permits for the building of 132 housing units in Ras al-Amud East Jerusalem.
  • 2001 December 15 US vetoes a proposed UNSC resolution concerned about the situation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. (Vote: 12 for, 2 abstentions, 1 veto)
  • 2003 December 1 Abed Rabbo-Beilin Geneva Accord signed. Lays out plan for “peace agreement” between Israel and the Palestinian people limiting Right of Return.
  • 2003 Israelis commit many massacres in Gaza Strip and its refugee camps (January-March, April, May, September-October), Beit Lahia (April), Rafah (May), Beit Hanoun (June), and Khan Younis (December). 

Sources of information included: Dr. Salman Abu Sitta, Nizar Sakhnini, http://,,,, and


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