Continue to Speak Up
Speak out for real justice and real peace!
Speak out for truth!
We must continue to explain the very real plight of the Palestinian people.
Every voice, every insight, every point, and every fact counts immensely. Even if you have little faith in your ability to communicate, know that any and all of your efforts truly do contribute. Your own unique voice and perspective may just be the one that gets through to editors and readers.
Research and read what your local papers have to say, and write responses. If you have time, read more papers and respond to as much mainstream media as you can. Don’t forget to send notes in response to TV coverage, and even radio coverage.
A paper that puts its op-eds and letters on-line has a virtually endless circulation and one little letter can go a long way towards informing many people about what is really going on.
Take careful note of each newspaper’s basic rules about letter (or op-ed) length and the importance of timeliness. Every newspaper is different, although all want original and exclusive letters.
Don’t expect your letters to be snatched up for publication, but do realize that every letter sent really does help get other letters and op-eds and perhaps even news noticed and maybe even published.
If an editor suspects your letter is what they call astro-turf, a letter generated by a campaign and sent to many newspapers, they may not even read it. Be careful to mention the article you are responding to, and the date.
Do your own research. Find handy resources to help inspire you, or help provide facts such as and visit our links section at
Lately has been including some rather excellent and unexpected coverage on their regularly updated recent news and opinion pages.
Concentrate on reminding our newspapers, and even our elected leaders, about the importance of fully implementing the Palestinian refugees right to return. Scan for any articles, editorials, op-eds and letters that mention the right of return and make it a priority to remind the world that this is an inalienable right enshrined and respected by international law. Don’t assume someone else will. You might be the only one who bothers.
Keep writing! Your voice and your viewpoint help more than you can imagine. Collectively, we can make a difference!
To join a dedicated group of writers to the media advocating for the right to return, send a blank message to – Introductions are required
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther, Jr. King