Our aims and objectives

Palestinian Refugees

Our aims and objectives are:

• To raise awareness in our communities concerning the human and legal rights of Palestinian refugees.

• To foster relationships with the media to help with the effort of educating the community of the human and legal rights of Palestinian refugees.

• To educate elected representatives on the grave implications resulting from the continuing violations of numerous human and legal rights of Palestinians, and how we can effect change.

• To develop and coordinate grassroots and student initiatives for action related to Palestinian refugee rights.

• To develop and strengthen links and coordinate efforts with human and civil rights organizations in support of the Palestinian struggle for return, freedom and equality.

• To empower refugees with projects that nurture their autonomy and determination to exercise their legal rights, first and foremost their natural right to return to their towns and villages, as supported by international law and United Nations’ resolutions.

• To provide humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees.

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