Petition to the United Nations: Oppose Sharon’s Address to UN General Assembly


For Immediate Release
September 11, 2005
For Immediate Release



On September 15, 2005 war criminal Ariel Sharon is expected to address the U.N. General Assembly’s sixtieth regular session. Ironically, September 16 to 18, 2005 mark the twenty-third anniversary of the deliberate and systematic massacre of more than 2000 Arab civilians, mostly Palestinian and Lebanese, in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Then Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, the chief architect of Israel’s invasion of Lebanon, was found by an Israeli commission of inquiry to have been personally responsible for the massacre.

The statement below calling for the boycott of Sharon’s upcoming address, as well as the implementation of UNGA Resolution 194, is today being sent to members of the General Assembly and other relevant parties.

The victims of Sabra and Shatila — those who perished, as well as those who continue to be saddled with the memories and horrors of the massacre on a daily basis, would never forgive us if we were not to do our utmost against Sharon’s visit to the UN.

Please join in this important campaign as we continue to encourage and add institutional, organizational and individual endorsements.

We also request that you circulate this statement as widely as possible.

Please email your endorsements to:

Provided is a list of organizational and individual signatories (lists in formation)

For information on the NY demo on September 15, please go to Al-Awda New York’s website


WE, the undersigned, DEMAND that Ariel Sharon not be permitted to address the sixtieth regular session of the General Assembly. Sharon’s refusal to abide by international law, particularly as it pertains to the right of return for Palestinian refugees, is matched only by his long career as a war criminal:

* In 1952 Ariel Sharon was appointed commander of special 101 Commando Unit which carried out raids on West Bank village of Qibya in which 69 civilians were murdered, many of them women and children.

* The massacre at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps occurred between September 16 and 18, 1982, after the Israeli invading army, then occupying Beirut and under Sharon’s overall command as Israel’s Defense Minister, permitted members of the Phalange and local allied militias into the camps. The over 2000 civilian victims of the massacre included infants, children, women, and elderly.

* In February 1983, a three-member official Israeli commission of inquiry charged with investigating the events, known as the Kahan Commission, named former Defense Minister Sharon as one of the individuals who “bears personal responsibility” for the Sabra and Shatila massacre.

* The Al-Aqsa Intifada started after Sharon visited the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Noble Sanctuary in Jerusalem under heavy Israeli military and police guard. The visit was a calculated step that sparked the expected resistance from the oppressed Palestinian people.

Ariel Sharon continues his utter disregard for international law. His refusal to abide by scores of United Nations’ resolutions addressing the Arab-Israeli conflict is legendary. Only recently, Sharon reiterated his rejection of the right of the Palestinian refugees to return to their original homes and lands. Such outright disregard for the will of the international community constitutes a grave violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the European, the American and the African Conventions on Human Rights, and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.

It also reflects Sharon’s refusal to implement UN resolution 194, which has been reaffirmed practically every year since 1948. Generally, the same position has been affirmed by the Treaty-Based UN Committees, the regional conventions on human rights and practically all human rights NGOs.

We find it peculiar that the General Assembly would permit a war criminal like Ariel Sharon to address it, especially considering his explicit loathing of the UN and the collective will of the vast majority of its member states.

We also DEMAND that the General Assembly embark on enforcing its resolution No. 194. The right of the Palestinian refugees and uprooted to return to their homeland is a historical right that is guaranteed by international law. It is an individual and collective right which cannot be relegated, diminished, reduced or forfeited by any representation on behalf of the Palestinian people in any agreement or treaty. As such, the Right of Return is not substituted or affected in any way by the establishment of a Palestinian state in any form. According to international law, agreements that purport to trade away the right of refugees to return to their homes,
or any other inalienable right, are illegal.

The right of refugees to return has been exercised, with the support of the international community, in Kosovo, Bosnia, East Timor, Rwanda, Guatemala and many other places. Yet, it continues to be ignored and neglected in Palestine. This selective enforcement of international law and UN resolutions serves to undermine rather than strengthen efforts to build a peaceful and just world.

Organizational Signatories

The following is a listing of organizations that have so far submitted their endorsement in opposition to Sharon’s address to The UN General Assembly, and to demand implementation of UN resolution 194 and the Right of Palestinian Refugees to Return to their homeland. Please note, this list is in formation. To send your organizational and individual endorsements, email us at: .

Action Center For Justice, Charlotte, NC
Aidoun Group – Lebanon
Aidoun Group – Syria
Aktionsbuendnis fuer Einen Gerechten Friedern in Palaestina, Germany
Al-Awda Popular Committees – Gaza, Palestine
Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition – Egypt
Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition – Espana
Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition – Italia
Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition – North America
Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition – United Kingdom
Alrowwad Cultural and Theatre Training Center- Aida Camp, Palestine
Al-Shorouq Newspaper – British Columbia, Canada
Alternative Information Center, Palestine/Israel
Alternative Palestinian Agenda
Americans For Justice in Palestine-Israel
Americans & Palestinians for Peace (AMPAL), USA
A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, USA
Anti Globalisation Activists Syria (A.G.A.S)
Anti-Racist Action-Los Angeles/People Against Racist Terror (ARA-LA/PART-LA)
Anti-War Coalition – South Africa
Arab Committee to Support the Intifada – Brazil
Arab-American Forum, New Hampshire, USA
Arab American Union Members Council- USA
Arab Media Watch, UK
Arab Student Union’s (ASU) of The University Of Michigan- Dearborn and Henry Ford Community College
ASKAPENA (Herriekiko Euskal Elkartasuna – Solidaridad Vasca con los Pueblos)
The Association for the Defense of the Rights of the Internally Displaced Persons in Israel ADRID
Association of Democratic Palestinian Educators
Association Palestine En Marche – France
Association Une Toile Contre Un Mur
Atlanta Palestine Solidarity (APS)
Bay Area United Against War, BAUAW
Bourj Sahamali Refugee Camp
Break The Chains Collective, Eugene, Oregon USA
Break the Silence Mural Project, San Francisco, USA
Cafe Intifada
Canada Palestine Association
CAPJPO-EuroPalestine, France
Citizens for Fair Legislation, USA
Centro de Documentacion en Derechos Humanos “Segundo Montes Mozo S.J., Quito-Ecuador
Christians for Peace and Justice in the Middle East, Indianapolis
Coalition to Free the Angola 3
Collectif Judeo-Arab et Citoyen pour la Paix, Strasbourg, France
Comité de Solidaridad con la Causa Árabe, Madrid, Spain
Comité de Lutte Contre La Barbarie et l’Arbitraire – France
Comité de Soutien au Peuple Palestinien , Ottignies-LLN , Belgique
Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient – Luxembourg
Comité Rennais France Palestine Solidarité
Committee for Democratic Palestine – Brazil
The Communist Party of Britain
USA Democratic Palestinian Women’s Organization
Democratic Union for Palestinian Youth
Democratic Palestinian Teacher’s Gathering
East Jerusalem YMCA
Egypt’s Renaissance and Support for Arab Rights Group
Enfants de la Palestine, Association des familles Franco-Palestiniennes
Filastiniyat, Palestine, Ramallah
Films For Justice In Palestine St. Petersburg, Florida
The Freedom Archives
Freedom Road Socialist Organization, USA
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition
Free Palestine Alliance – USA
Free Palestine Club, Santa Monica, California
Generation Five, San Francisco, USA
Gesellschaft Schweiz Palästina, GSP, Association Swiss Palestine, ASP Switzerland
Glasgow Palestine Solidarity Campaign (Glasgow PSC) UK
Global Exchange, San Francisco
Global Women’s Strike
Harrisburg Middle East Justice and Peace Group
Heartland Muslim Women’s Network
Houston Coalition for Justice Not War (HCJNW), USA
Human Rights Protection Center – Palestinian NGO, Beirut, Lebanon
Humans Against Israeli Occupation Team
International Action Center, USA
Interfaith Council for Peace in the Middle East, USA
International Socialist Organization
International Solidarity Movement
International Solidarity Movement in France
International Solidarity Movement – Northern California
Jews for a Free Palestine, San Francisco
Jews Against Zionism, UK
Jordanian Women’s Union – Amman – Jordan
Justice for Palestinians, USA
Justice in Palestine Coalition, San Francisco
Kolectivo Kahuin, Chile
L.A.U.G.H.O.E. Let’s All Unite to Gain Heaven On Earth
L’Associazione di Amicizia Italo-Palestinese, Italy
L.A. Palestine Labor Solidarity Committee
Madison-Rafah Sister City Project
Middle East Children’s Alliance, USA
Middle East Crisis Committee
Middle East Committee of Women Against Military Madness
Middle Eastern Student Society-California State University, Fullerton
MidEast: JustPeace, Traverse City, MI
Le Mouvement des Indigènes de la République, France
Movement for Peace and Justice Mumbai – India
Muslim Voters of America, Oak Park, Illinois
Muslim Youth Movement of South Africa
Najdeh Association, Lebanon
Nakba ’48, a student organization at the University of Florida
National Council of Arab-Americans (NCA), USA
Nederlands Palestina Komitee/ Netherlands Palestine Committee
Network of Christian Organizations/Bethlehem
New England Committee to Defend Palestine
New York City Labor Against the War (NYCLAW)
New York City Jericho Movement
New York Committee to Defend Palestine
New Jersey Solidarity – Activists for the Liberation of Palestine
Niagara Palestinian Association, Ontario
Niagara Coalition for Peace NC4P, Ontario
Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition
OPTICS (Organizing Pittsburgh To Increase Community Solidarity), Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Palestine Aid Society of North America
Palestine Community Centre – British Columbia, Canada
Palestine Media Watch
Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK
Palestine Solidarity Group (PSG) – Chicago
Palestine Solidarity Group of Vancouver
Palestine Support Committee, Durban, South Africa
Palestine Youth Organization – Jordan
Palestine Youth Organization – Lebanon
Palestine Youth Organization – Syria
Palestine 13, local group of the French-Palestine Solidarity Association(AFPS), Marseille, France
Palestinian American Women’s Association
Palestinian Arab Association – Sao Paulo, Brazilia and Koromba
Palestinian Arab Cultural Center – El Rio Grande Do Sul
The Palestinian Community in Norway
Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy – MIFTAH
Palestinian National Initiative Southern California Chapter
Palestinian Refugee and Diaspora Center- Shaml
Palestinian Solidarity Committee – South Africa
Palestinian Women Democratic Association Party for Socialism and Liberation
PAYDAY, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Peace and Freedom Party, California, USA
Pittsburgh Palestine Solidarity Committee
Pomona Valley Greens
Progressive Democratic Alliance
RAWAN (the Radical Arab Women’s Activist Network)
RESOCI (Réseau Solidaire et Citoyen) France
Right of Return Congress
Right of Return Congress-USA
Riverside Area Peace and Justice Action, Riverside California
Scottish Palestinian Mediawatch
Socialist Workers Party, Belgian section of the Fourth International
Solidarity Association for Social and Cultural Development
The South Asian Collective in Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
Stanford University Coalition for Justice in the Middle East (CJME)
Stanford University Muslim Student Awareness Network (MSAN)
Stop United States of Aggression, Belgium
The House of Peace and Non-Violence, St. Petersburg, Florida
Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Southern California
Troops Out Now Coalition, USA
Union of Palestinian Youth Center
Union of Committees of the Right to Return
Union of Palestinian Women- Jordan
Union of Palestinian Democratic Youth
Union of Palestinian Youth
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Vlaams Palestina Komitee – Flemish Palestine Solidarity Committee – Belgium
Young communist League
Women in Black-Los Angeles

Individual Signatories

The following is a listing of individuals who have so far submitted their endorsement in opposition to Sharon’s address to The UN General Assembly, and to demand implementation of UN resolution 194 and the Right of Palestinian Refugees to Return to their homeland. Please note, this list is in formation. To send your individual and organizational endorsements, email us at: . For background, please go to this Action Call

Abbas Hamideh, Al-Awda Celveland
Abdallah Omar, UK
Abdul Ali
Abeer Atallah USA
Abdel Halim Yousef
Acoury Nadine
Ada H. Banasik, Portland, Oregon
Adam Darwish/UK
Adi Dagan
Ahdaf Soueif
Ahmad Khatib, Chicago
Ahmed Osman, Egyptian Judge
Ahlam Muhtaseb, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Communication Studies, CSUSB
Aida Porteneuve, Long Beach, California
A. J. O’Brien
Alan Greig, Berkeley
Alan Millar
Alaa Sharabati
Alejandro Stuart, Kolectivo Kahuin Chile
Alice and John Severs, Durham City, U.K.
Alessandro Bellucci, Italy
Ali Al-Abudi, an Iraqi Writer
Ali Sha’at
Ali Zeidan, PhD, Palestinian, Lebanon
Alison Weir, If Americans Knew
Alun McDonald, UK
Amany Fraih Abu Middain
Amgad Amasha
Amina Balafrej , pédiatre, Rabat, Maroc
Amira Howeidy, journalist, Cairo, Egypt
Andreas Pilartz Paris France
Andy Griggs, Santa Monica, CA
Angelica Jimenez
Anibal da Silva
Anna Shenk, USA
Anne Rostenne
Anne Selden Annab, Pennsylvania
Ansa, Ignacio -Spain
Anthony Bird
Aoife Ni Fhearghail, Kimmage, Dublin, Ireland
Arab Abdel-Hadi
Arlene Eisen, MA, MPH, writer
Arshima Dost, Cambridge, UK
Asifa Ali
Asem Al-Masri, Vancouver, Canada
Averil Parkinson
Aysha Selim, Cairo, Egypt
Basem Hasan, Germany
Basil Ali, Chicago, Illinois
Bajis Dodin
Bassemah Darwish, El Cajon, California
Benjamin Merhav, Australia
Betty Lawlor, Ireland
Bill Ross, Delta, Ontario, Canada
Blake Christiansen, Denver, Colorado, USA
Blair Kuntz, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Bob Kirkconnell, Academics for Justice, Veterans for Peace
BOYON Norbert, Metz, France
Bravo Gómez Sevilla – Spain
Brian Fry, Justice Coordinator, Congregation of St. Joseph, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Brian Johnston, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Bucker Dangor, London, UK
Caroline Finkelstein, Switzerland
Nathan Finkelstein, Switzerland
Carole Regan
Caroline Muscat, Malta
Carlos Artur Ferreira de Moura, Portugal
Carol Frances
Carolyn Gelenter
Caryl Johnston
Catherine Hess, Women in Black-Geneva
Catriona Pennell
Charles Jenks, Chair of Advisory Board, Traprock Peace Center, Deerfield, MA, USA
Charlier Colette
Cherif Sami
Cherine Allstars
Chris Burns Cox, MD
Chris Leadbeater, Al-Awda London, UK
Christiane Lutun
Christine Bird, Glasgow
Christy Chamoun
Claudia Waddams
Claude Marks, Director, The Freedom Archives
Claudia Saba
Claudine DAUPHIN Honorary Professor, The Universities of Wales, Lampeter
Claudine Faehndrich, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Coche Fanny, France
Connie Pratt, Chico, California, USA
Cor Groenendijk, The Netherlands
Cynthia Marcopulos
Dagmar Torres
Dahlia Wasfi, M.D., Denver, Colorado
Dania H. Yousef, Washington, DC
Dawn Kimble, American, U.S., Boulder, Colorado
D. Wickersham Cheatham
Dhakiyya Anders, Devon, UK
Darlene Wallach, San Jose, California, USA
Dave Danmore, USA
David Dimitri
David Dixon, Coordinator Action Center For Justice
David A Gardner, Glasgow Scotland
David L. Gresham
David Myers
David Stewart
Deborah A. Gordon, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, USA
Deborah Wianecki, R. N., California, USA
Dobsi, Viktoria – Hungary
Dominique WAROQUIEZ, Belgique Deborah Hyams dual US/UK citizenship, Ithaca, New York
Deena Gray
Nawal Sbitany
Amy Sbitany
Mohammad Sbitany
Lana Sbitany
Reema Stonesifer
Jeff Gray
Mary Gray
Charlene Carter
Denise Boone
Barbara Doyle
Carlos Figeroua
Don Bustany
DELBOS Maryvonne, Luxembourg
DELBOS Louise, Paris (France)
Denise Alvarado, Clearwater, FL, USA
Denise Shomaly, Chile
Dick Morris, Riverside Area Peace & Justice Action Member
Donald Dinelli, USA
Donna Wallach, Justice for Palestinians, San Jose, California
Dorinda Moreno, Hitec Aztec Communications, California, Sybersysters for Mideast Solidarity
Dorli Rainey, Women in Black, Seattle, Washington
Dorothy Stein
Dr. AbdelFattah Abu-Srour, Director of Al-Rowwad Cultural and Theatre Training Center
Dr. A Butt, UK
Dr. A E Dangor, Imperial College London, London UK
Dr. Annelise Butterweck, Germany
Dr. Assad Busool, Chicago, USA
Dr. Bakr A. Hassan, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Dr. C. J. Burns-Cox MD Consultant Physician Southend farm, Wotton-under-Edge, UK
Dr. Debra Marshall, Cheltenham, UK
Dr. Raymond Deane, Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Ronit Lentin, Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Agostino Sanfratello, Università di Teramo, Italy
Dr. Amina KADI Enseignante-Chercheur en Mathématiques, Grandes Ecoles, France
Dr. Ariane Monneron, Marseille, France
Dr. Francois BROUQUISSE, France
Dr. Hisham Bustani, The Anti-Normalization Committee, Amman, Jordan
Dr. Jochim Varchmin, Arbeitskreis Nahost Berlin
Dr. Khaldoun El Abed, Bristol, UK
Dr. Mariam Elqura
Dr. Paola Canarutto, Italy
Dr. Seth Farber, NYC
Dr. Sadek Pharaon, Damascus, Syria
Dr. Timothy Brennan
Dr. Trudy Bond, Toledo, Ohio
Dr. Khamis Salem, Toronto, Canada
Dr. & Ms S Spilling Dorset UK
Dr. Walkher CHELIOUT – Psychiatre, Montauban
Edie Cacciatore, USA
Edith Cacciatore, USA
Edouard RIZK, Paris FRANCE
Edward W. Miller, MD
Eileen Fleming, agitator church and state
Elaine Hagopian, Professor Emerita, Boston, USA
Elana Wesley, Palestine
Elena Vilenskaya, St. Petersburg
Eliane ALGRAIN, Luxembourg, GRAND DUCHE DE Luxembourg
Elias Davidsson, Iceland
Elisa Abedrapo, Chilean activist currently in Argentina
Ellen Cantarow, Ph.D., Medford, MA, USA
Ellen Rohlfs, Germany
Emma Angus
Emma Rosenthal
Enrique Ferro, Peace Activist Spain/Belgium
Eric Walberg, Toronto, Canada
Eunice Tirado
Fadia Rafeedie, Los Angeles, California
Fatima Visanji-Speight
Feras Darawsheh
Fouad Dajani
Frances Scarrott
Francesca Viceconti/Camden Palestine Campaign
Francois Costes
Françoise LEBLON
Gabriela Adelstein, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Gabriela Radulescu
Gary Zatzman, co-editor “Dossier on Palestine” Halifax, NS, Canada
Gay Lawlor, Ireland
Gianluca Di Giacinto
Gennaro Varriale – Formia – Italy
Genevieve Cora Fraser Massachusetts
Gilbert Hanna, Eysines France
Gerald MacLean, Professor Dept of English, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
Ginette Gaudreault, Québec, Canada
Girard Anne, Cestas, France, Palestine33 adherent
Greg Wilkinson, Graig Fach, Llangennech Llanelli, Wales
Greta Berlin, Volunteer, ISM, Women in Black, Ramallah, Palestine
Guenter SCHENK, France/Germany
Haidar Dekmak
Hakam Shahwan
Hedy Epstein, St. Louis, MO
Hilde Kjostvedt, Norway
Hina Khokhar, London
Faryha Khokhar, London
Shazia Khokhar, London
Imran Khokhar, London
Pete Asfour
Ahmad Sub Laban
Samer Nazi
Pasha’s of Jerusalem Ltd.
Tariq Shahwan
Hala Furst, Minneapolis, MN
Hanan Aruri Ramallah, Palestine
Hatem Abudayyeh, Chicago, IL
Hazem Nashif, PhD, Oakland, California, USA
Hersh Chopra
Hesham Tillawi, Louisiana, USA
Herman DE LEY, Professor, Ghent University (Belgium)
Hesham Tomoum
Huwaida Arraf, USA
Ibrahim Ezzat
Ida Audeh, Ramallah, Occupied Palestine
Isam Kamel
Inbar Tamari, London UK
Iman Nijem, Jerusalem
Issa Mikel New York, NY, USA
Ismail Zayid, MD. President, Canada Palestine Association
Jacques & Françoise SALLES – 33410 – Sainte croix du mont – France
Jacqueline Rival, Montbrison
Jacqueline Salah, San Diego California, USA
James Barrett, UK
James Lafferty, Executive Director, National Lawyers Guild, LA
James O Reilly
Janelle Kate Hart, FRIENDS OF PALESTINE, Forest Knolls California, USA
Janet Mtanos
Jan Elshout, Paramariobo, Suriname
Jan Moreb, MD, Professor
Jan Myers
John Dabeet, Professor, Americans & Palestinians for Peace President U.S.A.
Jonas Moffat, Pittsburgh, PA USA
Jonathan Anders-Gomm, Exeter, England
Janine BOREL, France
Jeff Abood, President – Interfaith Council for Peace in the Middle East
Jean-Luc Mercier, Aubagne, France
Jean Martinez
Jean-Daniel & Marie-Christine Zangger, Switzerland
Jean Franklin, Wimborne – Dorset – U.K.
Jean Grudgings
Jean-Henry BOUFFARD, membre du Parti ¨Progressiste Européen
Jean Heinen, Howald
Jean-Luc Mercier, AUBAGNE, France
Jean-Paul François Galibert, Ancien Casque Bleu (1981), Receveur Honoraire P.T.T., France
Jeff Pekrul, San Francisco, California, USA
Jean – Pierre Thys
Jeanie Shaterian Berkeley, California, USA
Jeffrey Blankfort, Ukiah, California, radio programmer
Jennifer Burton
Jennifer Davey, Albuquerque, NM
Jennifer Loewenstein President, Madison-Rafah Sister City Project
Jess Ghannam, Al-Awda San Francisco
Jeremy Merrill, Teacher (SDUSD), San Diego, CA
Joanna Douba, Beirut, Lebanon
Joanne Moston
John R. Porter, Glasgow, UK
Johnny Gogan
John W. Willmott, Director, The Progressive Liberty Party, Florida
Jonathan Anders-Gomm, Exeter, England
Jonah Seaman, Long Island, USA
Jon Bailey, Chicago, IL
Jorge Salum Yazigi
Joseph Backus, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Joyce Van Kolken, San Diego
Juan Ignacio Castien Maestro, Profesor, la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Judit Druks, UK
Judith Brown, Corner Cottage, Farrington Gurney, Bristol UK
Junya (David Taylor), Palo Alto CA, USA
Kees Wagtendonk, Netherlands
Karen Lewis
Karim Karam, Long Beach, California, USA
Lily Karam, Long Beach, California, USA
Karim Khedimi
Kareem Talhouni
Kaream Bassem El-Wazir
Karen Sigley
Karen Spence, Al-Awda MA, Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA
Kathryn E. McClanen, Pennsylvania, USA
Kedrick Tucker, Planstville, CT
Kenneth Barney, USA
Kenneth Brown, Switzerland
Keren Batiyov, Jew of Conscience, Pennsylvania
Khaled Al-Abed, Vancouver, Canada
Khaled Barakat, Vancouver, Canada
Khaled Mouammar, Richmond Hill, Canada
Khalil Bassem El-Wazir
Kris Kaul, UK
Kristi Ellison Jalics, Akron, Ohio, USA
K. Andrich, Gush Shalom, Europe
Laetitia Dechaufour, Feminist activist, Montréal, Canada
Lambert Rachida, France
Lamia Afifi, MD
Lander Vander Linden, Belgium
Laura D.Lewis American Journalist
Laura M. Hampton, Toledo, Ohio
Lauralea Trisler Saddick Claremont, CA, USA
Lauren Shufran
Leena Dallasheh- New York/Jerusalem
Leila Khaled Mouammar, Canada
Liam Doran, Dublin, Ireland
Liliane Cordova Kaczerginski, France
Linda Langwell, Highland Park, California
Ms Lorraine Hart, Piccadilly, London, UK
Lauren Shufran
Lubna Hammad, USA
Ludo De Brabander, Gent, Belgium
M &Mrs Thirriard – Marseille
Madame Boyer Christine, France
Mademoiselle FURIO Marie Louise, MARSEILLE FRANCE
Maha M Dabbagh, Jeddah
Maher AlKarmi
Maher Osseiran, Monroe, CT
Mahmoud Zubeidi, Al-Awda San Diego
Mahmud Ahmad, Al-Awda Los Angeles
Mara Rivera, San Francisco
Marcia Visanji
Marco Pietteur, Luxembourg
Marc Prunier, Gentilly, France
Mark Green
Marie Albert, France
Marie-Claude LEDY, Lyon, France
Marie SCHIMMER, France
Marie-Lise Margue, Luxembourg
Marwa Rifahie, Student, Students For Justice in Palestine
Marilyn Gruver, USA
Mary Edwards, London
Maisha Liwaru, Heartland Muslim Women’s Network
Margie Lindsey
Maria Ramon, Liège Belgique
Mary Bonnaud, Bordeaux, France
Marie Major-Monahan, Canada
Marie-Noëlle LOMBARD
Marika Sherwood Oare, Kent, UK
Marina Galanti, London
Marlene Newesri, New York City, USA
Martine Kleinberg, Luxembourg
Mary Ellen Davis, Montreal
Maryloo Soweid, Al-Awda New York
Mary Bonnaud, France
Mary Rizzo, Italy
Matthew Trcalek, Denham Springs, Los Angeles, USA
Merrill A. Carter, Denver, Colorado, USA
Shayhka Maulani Aeisha Muhammad
Michael Anderson
Michael Shahin, Los Angeles, USA
Michael Foster
Mikhael Marzuqa
Micheline Garreau – France
Michelle Kay
Michel LEGRAND, Président du Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient – Luxembourg, LUXEMBOURG
Mira Khazzam, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Mireille Astore, Sydney
Mireille Delamarre, présidente de l’association Voix de Paix en Mediterranée
Miriam M. Reik, New York City
Mohammed Abed, Wisconsin
Mohammed Habibdeen
Mohamed Waked, academic researcher, Cairo, Egypt
Momin Bannani, UK
Mona Baker, UK
Mona Hadi, Egypt
Mona Kadah, Al-Awda San Diego
Mona Ziada, Orange, Calif
Monica Leiva, Barcelona, Spain
Monty Lish, San Diego, CA, USA
Moshe Machover, UK
Musa al-Hindi, Al-Awda Omaha
Nabil A. Amin
Nader Abuljebain, Al-Awda Los Angeles
Nadine Saliba, AIWA (Arab and International Women’s Association), San Antonio, Texas
Nancy Lolas
Nancy Murray, Ph.D. USA
Nancy Peters, Denver, Colorado
Nasr Mansour, MD, Founder and first president of the International Association of Physician In North West Ohio
Nassiba Akahar Houssen
Nathalie Ollat (France)
Nica Borgese, Milano, Italy
Nidal Hamad , Journalist from Palestine – Norway
Niloufer Bhagwat
Nitza Aminov, Jerusalem
Nizar Sakhnini, Toronto, Canada
Noor Ahmad Ali, Chicago, Illinois
Norman Ewers, Irvine, California, USA
Nozomi Takahashi, Ph.D., Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Olivia Zémor, Paris
Osama Doumani, Ph.D. Davis, CA
Patricia Towey
Philippe DETERRE, Evry, France
Philippe de Henau, Rhode St Genèse
Patrick H. McNally
Paul & Carol Bradford, Massachussetts, USA
Paul Carline, Carlops, Scotland, U.K.
Paul Whitcomb, USA
Paula Abrams-Hourani, Vienna, Austria
PAULET Evelyne, Belgique
Peggy Sanders, Al-Awda San Diego
Peter Peterson, Denver, Colorado
PEUZIN Marjolaine, Pacé, France
Philippe AÏN
Philippe MICHEL, Une Toile Contre Un Mur, France
Pierre COULON, Bordeaux, FRANCE
Pitman Buck, Jr.
Pnina Firestone
Professor Hagit Borer, University of Southern California
Rev Roger Pollard
Ruth Clark
Sarie Bryson, Thousand Oaks, California, USA
Sehba S. Arif, Esq. Santa Monica, California, USA
Shirley Bates
Sylvia Baker
Raed Hamdan, Telecommunication Engineer Gaza Strip – Palestine
Ramsey Mashy, California, USA
Rana Mousa
Rand Carter, Professor, Hamilton College Clinton, New York
Richard Wilcox, Tokyo
Riel Bilto, 48-2A Knox Terrace, Wayne, NJ
Rima Al-Husseini-Jerusalem Forum – Amman, Jordan
Robin McCubbin, professor at Southwestern College, Chula Vista, CA
Robert & Shaune Shearer
Roger Batchelder
Roy Hickey, Cheltenham, UK
Pat Read
David Grace
Martin Shirley
Claire Rutigliano
Pamela Sellars
Roberto Rubio
Tirtza Tauber, Tel Aviv
Tricia Goddard
Annemieke Wigmore
Barbara Loveluck
James and Tricia Goddard
Rachel Stolzman, Brooklyn, NY, USA
Rachid Yassine
Raeda Bandak
Raghida OUSSEIRAN, France
Raja Chemayel, The Hague Netherlands
Raja Ibrahim
Randa Jamal, Al-Awda New York
Reem Al-Nuwieiri, Vancouver, Canada
responsable de publication du webzine illustré
Rezeq Faraj, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Canada
Rhoda Shapiro, Al-Awda Press, Halifax, NS,Canada
Rima Anabtawi, Al-Awda Massachusetts
Reverend Robt Dan Simmons, Evangelical Covenant Church, Tigard, Oregon
Rev Hazel Barkham
Robert H. Stiver, Hawaii, USA
Roland Rance, London UK
Ron Ganzfried, Switzerland
Rosa Valles Martinez, Espana
Rotana El-Ruby
Russel Bates, USA
Ruth Hall, UK
Ruth Clark
Sadek Neaimi Professeur Egypte
Sajid Hussain
Said Elnashaie, Professor, USA
Said Zulficar, Network for Colonial Freedom
Saleem Saleem
Sam Bahour, Occupied Palestine
Sami Chaffar
Sami Joseph, UK
Samia Saleh, Al-Awda DC, Washington DC, USA
Sara Kershnar, Berkeley
Sara Powell, Journalist, Washington DC
Sawsan Barghouti
Sayed Abdelrady
Sayed Yusuf
Sefian M Nasser, Sydney Australia
Sehba S. Arif, Esq. Santa Monica, California
Sergio Atallah Colorado USA
Senan Khairie, Al-Awda San Francisco
Shafic M. Budron, Ph.D., Greater Chicago Area, IL, USA
Sharif Hikmat Nashashibi, Chairman, Arab Media Watch – UK
S E Sanbar London UK
Shirley Bates
Shirley Rose, Nofim Towers Apt 804, 2 Henrietta
Shmuel Yerushalmi – Poet and activist
Sholey Argani, physician, Takoma Park, MD
Silvia Asensio Ruiz
Silvio MADDALENA, segretario della Colonia Libera Italiana di NEUCHATEL
Simine B. Tepper
Sirine Rached, Student, France
Soraida Abed Hussein, Head of Research Department Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling, Jerusalem
Souhad Ameen Rafey, NYC
Stephane GAILLARD, France
Stephen Simon, Lecturer, Emeritus, Calif. State University, Fullerton
Syd Hurrell, Spain
Sue Goldstein, Toronto
Susanne Scheidt, Al-Awda Italy
Suzan Muaddi, Philadelphia
Sylvia Shihadeh, Austin, TX
Szold St. Jerusalem
Taghreed Najjar
Talaat Ahmed Mosallam, Egypt
Taleb Alkurdi
Tarek Ibrahim Nowara, Cairo Egypt
Tayseer Nasrallah,
Timothy A. and Judith A. King
Thomas E. Green, US Citizen, Denver, Colorado
Tobias Van Os, Leuven, Belgium
Tony Chakar, Beirut, Lebanon
Tony Rea
TOSCANO Roberto, Nancy, France
Tracy Walsh
Ty Twibell, Attorney, Kansas City, Missouri
Valerie Sanfilippo, SEIU, Sierra, Moveon/Peace, Voterr, 911 Truth (FDNY), San Diego California, USA
Vanda Smrkovski, Minneapolis, MN USA
Vivi Valentine, Clearwater, FL, USA
Wafa’ Abdel Rahman, General Director, Filastiniyat, Palestine, Ramallah
Walid Ashoor
Walid Farouq, Haifa, Palestine
Wayne K. Aller, Ph.D., Granada Hills, CA – Methodists for Social Action
Waselah Alhaj
Wendy Lewis, member, PSC South Wales Wendy Campbell
Wesley Parish, New Zealand
Wim Lankamp, chairperson Netherlands Palestine Committee
Wren Osborn, USA
Wynne Greenhalgh, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, UK
Vandormael Raymond, Liège, Belgique
Vic Cardenas
Xavier Terradas, CAMÓS (Spain)
Yahiaoui Ouardia
Yasser Abuseedo
Yasmeen Bassem El-Wazir
Yasmine Yousri, EGYPT
Yolanda Birdwell, Houston, Tx, USA
Yousef Abudayyeh, El Cajon , California
Yves Traynard, Paris, France
Zahi Damuni, Ph.D., Al-Awda San Diego
Zainab Khan, LAUSD Teacher, Culver City, California
Ziad Suidan
Zoë Lawlor, Ireland

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