Opening of Fourth Annual International Al-Awda Convention

Opening The Fourth Annual International Al-Awda Convention
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, California
July 14, 2006
by Dr. Jess Ghannam

On behalf of Al Awda and the San Francisco Host Committee, I would like to welcome you to the Fourth Annual International Al Awda Convention hosted by the SFSU General Union of Palestine Students and Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition.

This year’s convention comes at an important historical moment for all Palestinians. Wherever we live– in exile or in Palestine — Palestinians are being confronted with major contradictions.

Everyday our brothers, sisters, families, and comrades are faced with existential threats of displacement, dispossession, and death.

In the face of these threats, we remain steadfast, resilient and heroic in our struggle for freedom and self-determination that is rooted in our inalienable right to return to Palestine with dignity and respect.

Today, we gather to re-affirm our commitment to struggle to return to a Free Palestine for all Palestinians. We bear witness to our brave brothers and sisters who continue to resist the brutal illegal occupation of our homes and land.

Hatta Al Awda

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