Oct.13.2018 at 6 PM in South Florida
An evening with Swedish activist Benjamin Ladraa #WalktoPalestine. We will also have a poetic recitation remembering the Massacre of Sabra and Shatilla.
Benjamin Ladraa:
My name is Benjamin Ladraa and I’m a human rights activist from Sweden. I recently finished walking from Sweden to Palestine in order to raise awareness about the Palestinian plight under occupation and I’m now on a self-organized speaking tour in the US to try and speak about the human rights abuses taking place in occupied Palestine. I have many more human rights projects in mind and I want to be able to focus 100% of my time to try and make a positive impact in the world. I believe that all of us can do a lot and that we should set out on the journey to see how far our influence can reach and how big of an impact we can have. There is a lot of things we can improve in our world and I believe in the words that says “we should be the change we want to see”
$10 donation at the door and $5 for students which include refreshments.