Act with Al-Awda for the Day of Rage July 1: Los Angeles, NYC, SF Bay, Miami and more!

Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, calls upon all Palestinians and supporters of justice in Palestine in the United States and around the world to join in the global efforts for a Day of Rage on July 1st, 2020 to confront the U.S.-Israeli efforts to liquidate the Palestinian cause and people.

Join us to take action and organize demonstrations across the U.S. on and before July 1st – and pledge to protect the land from the impending annexation of the Jordan Valley and the Zionist application of sovereignty over illegal “Israeli” colonies in the occupied Palestinian West Bank.

Al-Awda and many Palestinian and community groups are organizing events and actions across North America in many cities on July 1 and the following days. We invite you to join us at all of the events below! We urge you to join the Facebook events for these activities in order to receive the latest update on scheduling, location and more.

Los Angeles | New York CitySan Francisco | Miami | More Cities

Los Angeles: Day of Rage- No to Annexation of Palestinian Land! (Car Caravan)

Wednesday, 1 July
10:30 am
***Car Caravan Only: Meet at: Westwood Federal Building’s Parking Lot, 11000 Wilshire (at Veteran Ave) at 10:30AM on Wednesday, July 1st, we will drive as a car caravan to the Zionist Consulate,11766 Wilshire Blvd (at Granville.)

LA CAR CARAVAN ACTION No to Apartheid Israel’s Annexation of Palestinian Land, Racism, and Brutality!

We kindly ask protestors to Meet at the parking lot of the Federal Building no later than 10:30 am. The caravan will leave the parking lot promptly by 10:55 am. Bring your signs, flags and kuffiyehs, to decorate your car. Please gas up your car, beforehand.

***Due to the sudden and dramatic spike in COVID cases in California, Al-Awda PRRC and event organizers of the 7/1 Day of Rage have decided to make the primary focus of this action to be a car caravan. We apologize to those that don’t have access to a vehicle–however, we want to ensure the utmost health and safety of our community first and foremost.***

The SoCal Chapter of Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, PYM-LA-OC-IE., AMP/LA, JVP/LA, LA4Palestine, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, and ANSWER Coalition/ LA call upon all Palestinians and supporters of freedom, equality, and justice – in Palestine and around the world, to protest the planned annexation of more Palestinian land on July 1st. We call on the Palestinian community, and those engaged in indigenous/anti-colonial, anti-racist/anti-white supremacist struggles against state violence and racial oppression, to link arms and struggle together in an act of international solidarity!

Join in the car caravan for justice and demand to #DefendPalestine, in support of demonstrations across the U.S. and throughout the world. July 1st let’s take a unified stand against racism and the wars on our communities – locally and abroad, from ongoing and ever-increasing racist settler-colonial violence.

July 1st – Let us stand together in demanding an end to US militarism locally and imperialism abroad, and instead of sending billions in financial aid to Israel and in war and militarism – to spend on our communities at home!

The Zionist state is the hallmark of racial oppression and military repression in the 21st Century. Its murderous military provided the knee-on-neck training to the killer cops in Minnesota and elsewhere. Enough is enough! Let’s end these deadly exchanges.

#DefundIsraeliApartheid #DefundThePolice #FreePalestine #BDS #INVESTINJUSTICE

On Wednesday, July 1st, Los Angeles will join the international fight against the annexation of illegal settlements in the West Bank and large swaths of the Jordan Valley. This annexation will consume the remaining areas of the West Bank under nominal Palestinian control.

We will protest the continued genocide, ethnic cleansing, theft of land, and daily violations committed by the Zionist state.

We will mourn the latest murders by the Zionist military of Eyad Hallaq, 32, killed on his way to special needs school, and Ahmed Erekat 27, on his way to pick up his sister from the beauty parlor on the night of her wedding.

We also call on those who support the Palestinian struggle to uplift the Movement for Black Lives here as the best way to express true international solidarity. Palestinian liberation cannot be achieved without Black and Indigenous liberation, without the liberation of all oppressed peoples.

Speaking on “Democracy Now!” Noura Erakat, Palestinian-American Human Right Attorney and cousin of Ahmed Erekat said:

“This is not about one bad Israeli soldier, just as it’s not about one bad cop ever. This is a system. It is an apartheid system. It is a settler-colonial system that enshrines Jewish Israeli supremacy as a matter of law and policy on an international scale. And it is one that marks Palestinians for removal, exile or death. And it is done with the full, unequivocal, diplomatic, financial, military support of the United States and with the complicity of the international community.

So it bears upon us to respond to this moment by supporting the Palestinian call for freedom, by doing the little that we can by engaging in boycott, divestment, and sanctions for Ahmed, for Razan, for Iyad, to oppose the annexation, to oppose apartheid, to fight for freedom.”

Please join us in this Day of Rage as we reject the annexation plan and all racist, settler-colonial states, affirm our collective struggle towards liberation and defend our lands and people until freedom!

Organized by:
Al-Awda Los Angeles
Palestinian Youth Movement – حركة الشباب الفلسطيني
American Muslims for Palestine
Jewish Voice for Peace
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Answer Coalition

New York City: Day of rage against Israeli annexation, racism and repression

Wednesday, 1 July
4:00 pm
72nd St and 5th Avenue
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York

On Wednesday, July 1, the zionist occupation plans to annex all illegal settlements in the West Bank and large swaths of the Jordan Valley, consuming the remaining areas under Palestinian control. While the media claims 30% of the West Bank will be annexed, the little left to Palestinians will be divided by Jewish only roads, checkpoints and walls.

On July 1st at 72nd St and 5th Avenue in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY, we along with the NY4Palestine coalition call on NYC to join the international uproar against the escalation of israeli supremacy and genocide through the annexation plan. We are calling on all allies to defend Palestine in this crucial time.

Palestinian sovereignty will be reduced to less than 10% of historic Palestine, while the israeli occupation’s full control will extend to 90% of Palestinian land. This is the latest stage of the ongoing Nakba and the most aggressive plan since the 1967 Naksa to steal Palestinian land and expand illegal israeli settlements. It is further institutionalization of genocide.

Palestinians must be protected and afforded full access to the means of self defense against this escalated phase of Israeli genocide.

Samidoun in Palestine has issued a call for international mobilization on July 1st, Al-Awda National echoed with a call for US mobilization for a Day of Rage against Israeli colonial expansion. We also call on those who support the Palestinian struggle to uplift the Black Liberation struggle and revolution here as the best way to express true international solidarity. Palestinian liberation cannot be achieved without Black and Indigenous liberation, without the liberation of all oppressed peoples. We cannot be free until we are all free.

We will further emphasize and center revolutionary Palestinian, Black, oppressed nation, and working class grassroots organizations at our rally as a form of popular education and providing tangible ways to be involved in the struggle for our collective liberation. Join the international uproar on the Day Of Rage against israeli supremacy and genocide, and for a liberated Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, with full rights and return of all Palestinians.

Join us!

San Francisco: Day of Rage- No to Annexation of Palestinian Land! (Car Caravan + Virtual Rally)

Wednesday, 1 July
4:00 pm
Gather at Civic Center for Car Caravan to Israeli Consulate
San Francisco, CA, USA

The San Francisco/Bay Area Chapter of Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition and the Palestinian Youth Movement and the Palestine Action Network call upon all Palestinians and supporters of freedom, equality, and justice – in Palestine and around the world, to protest the planned annexation of more Palestinian land. We call on the Palestinian community, and those engaged in indigenous/anti-colonial, anti-racist/anti-white supremacist struggles against state violence and racial oppression, to link arms and struggle together in an act of international solidarity!

On July 1st, Israel is set to begin the formal annexation of 30% of the West Bank. The West Bank has been occupied since 1967 and the settlements that exist there already are illegal by international law. These further encroachments on Palestinian land are unacceptable. Annexation is nothing new in Occupied Palestine; the entire Zionist project has depended on land and resource theft, the displacement of indigenous Palestinians, military occupation, imprisonment, and colonial violence. The continued expansions of Jewish-only settlements on occupied land, the US embassy move to Jerusalem, the so-called “Deal of the Century”, and the formalization of annexation are the latest manifestations of Zionist colonial rule.

We are meeting at the San Francisco Civic Center and will caravan together to 456 Montgomery St. San Francisco, CA.

*Due to the sudden and dramatic spike in Covid-19 cases in California, event organizers of the 7/1 Day of Rage have decided to make the primary focus of this action to be a car caravan.

We apologize to those that don’t have access to a vehicle, however, we want to ensure the utmost health and safety of our community first and foremost.

Miami: Say No to Annexation of Palestinian Land

Thursday, 2 July
4:00 pm
Torch of Friendship
301 Biscayne Boulevard
Miami, Florida

Al-Awda South Florida calls upon all Palestinians and supporters of freedom, equality, & justice— in Palestine and around the world, to protest the planned annexation of more Palestinian land. We call on the Palestinian community, and those engaged in indigenous/ anti-colonial, anti-racist/ anti-white supremacist struggles against state violence and racial oppression, to link arms and struggle together in an act of international solidarity!

More Cities across North America

The Day of Rage is growing across North America and around the world. Check out the following events organized by various groups and organizations across the continent on July 1 and in the coming days!

San Diego:
Wednesday, 1 July
12:00 pm
Reuben H. Fleet Science Center Parking Lot
San Diego, California

Wednesday, 1 July
4:00 pm
Altman Park
11500 S Beloit Ave,
Worth, IL

Salt Lake City:
Wednesday, 1 July
6:30 pm
Wallace Bennett Federal Building
125 South State Street
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Wednesday, 1 July
5:00 pm
San Mateo/Central
Albuquerque, New Mexico (Car Caravan)

Wednesday, 1 July
5:00 pm
Terry Schrunk Plaza
Portland, OR, US
More info:

St. Catharines:
Wednesday, 1 July
2:00 pm
St. Catharines City Hall
50 Church St.
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
More Details:

Wednesday, 1 July
12:00 pm
The Wave
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

North Bergen, New Jersey:
Friday, 3 July
4:00 pm
80th St and Bergenline Avenue
North Bergen, NJ

Saturday, 4 July
3:00 pm
Time and place TBA
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Saturday, 4 July
3:00 pm
Celebration Square
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Visit our colleagues at Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network for a global list of protests and actions for July 1 and onward.

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