Al-Awda joins the Days of Resistance for Palestine, August 7 through 9

Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, has joined over 100 organizations around the world to endorse the call for the Days of Resistance for Palestine, from August 7 through 9, called by Samidoun. Al-Awda PRRC in New York is part of the NY4Palestine Coalition, which will rally on Friday, August 7 at 4 pm at 72nd St and 5th Ave. in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn – we encourage you to join!

We invite you to get involved:


On the 48th anniversary of the assassination of Ghassan Kanafani, Palestinian revolutionary writer whose life was taken by the Israeli Mossad through a car bomb near his Beirut house on 8 July 1972

“Imperialism has laid its body over the world, the head in Eastern Asia, the heart in the Middle East, its arteries reaching Africa and Latin America. Wherever you strike it, you damage it, and you serve the world revolution…The Palestinian cause is not a cause for Palestinians only, but a cause for every revolutionary, wherever he is, as a cause of the exploited and oppressed masses in our era.” – Ghassan Kanafani 

A call to the Palestinian people and all those who stand for justice: 

On the 48th anniversary of the assassination of the struggler, writer and revolutionary Ghassan Kanafani, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes in his memory all of the martyrs of the Palestinian people, the women, men, children and elders whose lives have been taken in the assault of Zionist colonialism that targeted Palestine and the entire Arab region.

Today, the program of Israeli annexation continues to threaten Palestinians in the West Bank, including the most fertile agricultural land of the Jordan Valley, which is still slated for Israel’s latest land grab. Of course, this is simply the continuation of over 72 years of land theft, dispossession, apartheid and genocide – but it requires continued mobilization and action to confront, alongside the siege on Gaza, the mass imprisonment of Palestinians, the demolition of homes, the denial of Palestinian refugees’ right to return and further war crimes and crimes against humanity.

On this occasion, we salute all of the victims of Zionist colonization and we rededicate ourselves to struggle for everything Ghassan Kanafani lived and fought for: the liberation of Palestine and the liberation of humanity. The memory of his martyrdom is a Palestinian, Arab and international rallying cry for revolutionary change. 

In this context, we call on all Palestinian communities and those who stand for justice in Palestine to join together to organize the Days of Resistance on August 7, 8 and 9, 2020. We urge all Palestinians inside and outside Palestine, and all of the national forces, popular institutions, youth, student and women’s movements, social justice movements and solidarity organizations to participate actively in “banging on the walls of the tank” – as in Kanafani’s Men in the Sun – to break down the walls of silence. Join in marches, popular activities, demonstrations and remind the world that the Palestinian people will continue to rise and confront all attempts of liquidation and destruction of the cause of Palestine and resist dispossession, exile and genocide – and that all people of conscience stand beside the Palestinian people in this critical moment. 

Samidoun Network in occupied Palestine and in the diaspora urges all to consider the days of Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 7 through 9 August, as days of comprehensive struggle, resistance and popular organizing against Zionist colonization throughout occupied Palestine, days of organizing demonstrations and political, cultural and media activities throughout Palestine, in exile and diaspora and everywhere around the world. These actions confront the ongoing Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, including the Zionist “annexation” project and the deadly siege on Gaza, and aim to strengthen international solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and with the Palestinian prisoners’ movement inside Israeli occupation jails.

We urge all organizations in support of the Palestinian struggle, inside occupied Palestine and around the world, to raise the Palestinian flag and the images and words of the revolutionary writer Ghassan Kanafani in these marches and popular events. On these days, we also celebrate the historical symbols of the struggle of the Palestinian people, including the immortal Handala and his creator, the artist Naji al-Ali; the poet and struggler Kamal Nasser; the Palestinian writer Samira Azzam; the poet Ali Fouda; the revolutionary intellectual Basil al-Araj; and all of the martyrs and strugglers of Palestine who gave their lives, hearts and minds for liberation and return and in defense of the freedom and dignity of the Palestinian people. 

On the Days of Resistance, we will highlight the struggles of the Palestinian prisoners, tell the stories of the martyrs of the prisoners’ movement and the role of the prisoners in all area of revolutionary struggle, illuminate the Palestinian prisoners’ contribution to literature, thought and politics and the intellectual and cultural production of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement inside the Israeli occupation prisons. We will struggle for the freedom of all Palestinian prisoners and prisoners of the Palestinian cause, including the Lebanese Arab revolutionary Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, in French prisons for 35 years. 

On this anniversary, Samidoun extends its warmest salutes of struggle to all of those who initiated and participated in the Palestinian Day of Rage and its activities on 1 July and the surrounding days throughout Palestine and internationally, and we thank all of the Palestinian and progressive media institutions that covered these actions confronting the Zionist “annexation” and colonization project that aims to plunder Palestinian land and resources. This project only underlines the expansionist, settler colonial, racist nature of the Israeli state and its continuing colonization and theft of Palestinian and Arab land for over 72 years, a central part of the imperialist assault on the entire region. 

It must inspire us to mobilize and organize –  as Kanafani so clearly expressed –  to confront imperialism, Zionism and the reactionary regimes that continue to collaborate with these forces of oppression, and to struggle for liberation. Every victory of the peoples in struggle against these forces is a victory for Palestine and for our collective victory. 

Salutes to the martyrs, freedom for the prisoners and return for the refugees. Victory, liberation and return will come for the struggling Palestinian people! 

8 July 2020
Occupied Jerusalem – Brussels

Endorsed by:

  1. Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
  2. Al-Karama, Palestinian Women’s Mobilization
  3. AFPS 63 (Association France Palestine Solidarité, Clermont-Ferrand)
  4. Africa for Palestine
  5. Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine
  6. American Muslims for Palestine – New Jersey
  7. Anti Imperialist Action Ireland
  8. Anti-Imperialist Camp (Vienna)
  9. Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance – Phoenix
  10. Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina
  11. Australia Solidarity with Latin America
  12. BDS Bahrain
  13. BDS Los Angeles
  14. BDS – New Zealand
  15. BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories
  16. BOL (Bridge of Life)
  17. Brighton & Hove (UK) Palestine Solidarity Campaign
  18. Cambridge Bethlehem People to People
  19. Campagne Unitaire Pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah (Ile de France)
  20. Campaign to Boycott Supporters of Israel in Lebanon
  21. Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat
  22. Campuses for Palestine
  23. Canada Palestine Association
  24. Canada Palestine Support Network (CanPalNet)
  25. Canada-Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights (CPSHR)
  26. Canadian BDS Coalition
  27. Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
  30. Collectif Palestine Vaincra
  31. Collectif Rouge Internationaliste pour la Défense des Prisonniers Révolutionnaires (Paris- France)
  32. Collettivo Palestina Rossa
  33. Comité d’Action et de Soutien aux Luttes du Peuple Marocain (Paris- France)
  34. Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient (Luxembourg)
  35. Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation
  36. Dallas Palestine Coalition
  37. Dar al Janub – Union for Antiracism and Peace Policy
  38. Food Not Bombs Solidarity
  39. Free Palestine Movement
  40. Freedom Road Socialist Organization
  41. Freedom Socialist Party
  42. Groupe Non-Violent LOUIS LECOIN
  43. Hilton Head for Peace
  44. ILPS Commission 10
  45. Independent Jewish Voices Canada
  46. Independent Jewish Voices – University of British Columbia
  47. International Action Center
  48. International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
  49. International League of People’s Struggle
  50. Internationalt Forum – Middle East Group
  51. Jewish Voice For Peace, Central Ohio
  52. Jewish Voice for Peace, Las Vegas chapter
  53. Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
  54. Justice for Palestinians-Calgary
  55. Just Peace Advocates
  56. JVP San Diego
  57. Kenya Palestine Solidarity Movement 
  58. L’avenir Palestinien 
  59. Labor for Palestine
  60. Letters for Palestine
  61. Lutherans for Justice in the Holy Land
  62. NY4Palestine
  63. Maoist Communist Party- Organizing Committee
  64. National Democratic Front of the Philippines
  65. National Lawyers Guild Palestine Subcommittee
  66. National Students for Justice in Palestine
  67. Nevadans for Palestinian Human Rights
  68. New York City Jericho Amnesty Movement
  69. Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel (NMJPI)
  70. Northeast Political Prisoner Coalition 
  71. Oakville Palestinian Rights Association
  72. Paix Juste au Proche Orient – Ecaussinnes (Belgium)
  73. Palestine Solidarity Campaign South Africa
  74. Palestine Solidarity Collective at York University
  75. Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa
  76. Palestine Solidarity Network – Auckland
  77. Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
  78. Palestinian Canadian Friendship Association 
  79. Palestinian Refugees Rights in Sweden 
  80. Palestinian Youth Movement 
  81. Peace Alliance Winnipeg
  82. Peoples Freedom Network
  83. Peoples Power Assemblies NYC
  84. Philippines-Palestine Friendship Association
  85. PJPO (Paix juste au Proche Orient) Coordination Brabant Wallon
  86. Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine
  87. Project South
  88. Rank and File Action
  89. Red Banner Anti-Imperialist Collective
  90. Reforest the Earth, UK
  91. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  92. San Diego County Central Committee of the Peace and Freedom Party of California 
  93. SDSU Students for Justice in Palestine 
  94. Ship to Gaza – Sweden
  95. Single Mothers Association of Kenya
  96. Socialist Action – Canada
  97. Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – Kingston, Ontario
  98. Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – McMaster University
  99. Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights – University of British Columbia
  100. Struggle – La Lucha for Socialism
  101. Students for Justice in Palestine, University of South Carolina
  102. South African BDS Coalition
  103. Stand with Kashmir
  104. Sulong UBC
  105. The Palestine Project
  106. The Red Nation
  107. Tunisian campaign to boycott and oppose normalization with the Zionist entity
  108. Unione Democratica Arabo Palestinese
  109. US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
  110. Utahns for a Just Peace in the Holy Land
  111. Victory to the Intifada
  112. V-SB, Flemish Socialist Movement
  113. Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine
  114. Workers World Party
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