Stand with Jenin, Take Action for the Liberation of Palestine!

Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, calls upon our Palestinian people and all friends of justice in Palestine and around the world to join us in taking action. Mobilize to express our collective outrage at the Israeli massacre in Jenin on January 26 and the ongoing series of massacres and assaults targeting our people.

As we commemorate 75 years of ongoing Nakba and ongoing resistance, Palestinians continue to struggle and organize for return and liberation. At the same time, the Zionist regime is targeting our people for even more war crimes and crimes against humanity. From the massacre in Jenin and the ongoing killings that have taken 35 Palestinian lives since the beginning of 2023 to the repeated bombing of besieged Gaza to the attacks on Palestinians in occupied Palestine ’48 to the assaults and raids targeting our prisoners behind occupation bars, we must turn our rage into action.

The United States continues to provide the Israeli occupation with $3.8 billion in U.S. aid each year that goes directly to fund the military. At the same time that U.S. officials condemn Palestinian resistance as “terrorism,” Palestinian lives and homes are under assault by this U.S.-supplied weaponry.

It is time to make our voices heard and stand with our people under attack in Palestine! From the river to the sea, and everywhere in exile and diaspora, Palestinians continue to resist, to organize and to make clear that these massacres will never kill our dedication to return and liberation in a free Palestine from the river to the sea.

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