July 15, Los Angeles: All out for Jenin, All out for Walid Daqqah

Al-Awda PRRC will join with the Palestinian Youth Movement, ANSWER Coalition, Palestinian American Women’s Association and American Muslims for Palestine this Saturday, July 15th at 12:30pm at the Zionist Consulate (11766 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90025) to rally for the immediate release of Walid Daqqah and the Heroes of Jenin!

We invite you to join us!

Walid Daqqah is one of the longest-held political prisoners in Zionist detention, and he is being killed by the Zionist Entity through deliberate medical negligence. Despite the Occupier’s violent abuse, Daqqah’s strong spirit remains a guiding light for the Palestinian Prisoners Movement.

Last week, the Israeli Occupation Forces brutally attacked Jenin, resulting in 14 Palestinians ascending into martyrdom. Despite these escalations, Palestinians in Jenin and across occupied Palestine continue to resist and to emerge victorious against the Zionist entity.

We must fight alongside Walid Daqqah! We must fight alongside our resistance fighters in Jenin!  Free All Palestinian Political Prisoners! Glory to our Martyrs!

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