FAQs about Al-Awda

1. What is Al-Awda’s mission?

Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, is a broad-based, non-partisan, global, democratic association of grassroots activists and students. Al-Awda develops, coordinates, supports and guides, as needed, global and local grassroots initiatives for action related to the achievement and restoration of Palestinian rights in full. Our central advocacy is for the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and lands of origin, and to full restitution of all their confiscated and destroyed property in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International law and United Nations Resolutions which uphold these rights.

2. Is Al-Awda a political group?

Al-Awda is not backed by any particular political group or faction. However, that does not mean that individuals who are members of Al-Awda may not have their own political and factional sympathies, if any. People are welcome to work with us on the Palestinian refugees’ right to return campaign regardless of their organizational affiliation, if any.

3. How is Al-Awda structured?

To help achieve our goals, Al-Awda members set up or join a local Al-Awda chapter in their area. Members may also join national and/or international action committees. Chapters and action committees elect representatives from their ranks to the Coordinating Committee. The functions of the Coordinating Committee are to coordinate the activities of the various chapters and committees as well as manage Al-Awda’s functions per the organization’s bylaws. The Coordinating Committee elects the Executive Committee from its own ranks. The Executive Committee manages Al-Awda’s administrative affairs including those related to Al-Awda’s internal, external and financial affairs.

4. Does Al-Awda have a Conflict of Interest Policy?

Yes. Please go to this page to read our conflict of interest policy

5. What are the criteria for membership of Al-Awda?

The basic criteria for membership of Al-Awda are commitment to our mission, points of unity and goals, and adherence to the organization’s by-laws. Anyone regardless of political, religious, ethnic or organizational affiliation may join Al-Awda if they are committed to these criteria.

6. How do I join Al-Awda?

To become a member of our organization, please go to the membership page and follow the instructions. To find out how to join or develop an Al-Awda chapter in your area and to find out how to join a national and international action committee, please write to us.

7. Where does Al-Awda get funding for its campaigns and educational programs?

Al-Awda is registered with the Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America as a 501(c)3 non-profit exempt organization. Al-Awda relies on volunteers and your donations for maintaining its campaigns and educational programs. Please Donate Now to help us achieve our goals.

8. Who sets the agenda and plans?

Each chapter sets its own local agenda and plans of action within the context of Al-Awda’s mission, points of unity and goals. Through their elected representatives on the Coordinating Committee, chapters and action committees coordinate their activities at the national level.

9. How do local chapters handle financial matters?

Chapters may only solicit funds if Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, is registered with their state and if they are authorized to do so by Al-Awda’s Executive Committee. Such authorized chapters are responsible for collecting funds but they must coordinate and provide information on their fundraising activities to the Executive Committee in a timely manner so that the Executive Committee may issue receipts for funds collected via the organization’s national treasurer.

The elected representatives of all local chapters are required to submit annual financial reports to the Executive Committee by no later than 30 January of the following fiscal year. These reports will be used for the required annual Federal and State reporting.

10. How do chapters and action committees coordinate their activities?

Chapters and action committees coordinate their activities through their elected representatives to the Coordinating Committee. Overlapping memberships in chapters and on action committees further facilitates coordination and communication. Members may join several action committees. Local chapters are naturally restricted to those in their areas.

11. How are members of the Coordinating Committee elected?

Each chapter and action committee elects representatives to the Coordinating Committee. Elections and representation are carried out annually per the bylaws. Each elected representative serves for a renewable one-year term.

12. How are members of the Executive Committee elected?

The Coordinating Committee elects the Executive Committee from within its ranks. Elections to the Coordinating and Executive Committees are carried out in an ordered manner that ensures overlap and continuity.

13. How do I communicate with chapters and committees without necessarily joining them?

Please use the contact information provided.
