The 1967 War was Launched by Israel to Grab More Arab Lands
The 1967 War was Launched by Israel to Grab More Arab Lands Nizar Sakhnini, 2 December 2005 Israeli plans for expansion during the Suez Canal
The 1967 War was Launched by Israel to Grab More Arab Lands Nizar Sakhnini, 2 December 2005 Israeli plans for expansion during the Suez Canal
There Could Have Been Peace Nizar Sakhnini, 19 November 2005 Count Folke Bernadotte’s report and recommendations were submitted to the UN Security Council on 16
A Borderless State Pending Territorial Expansion Nizar Sakhnini, 18 November 2005 Proclamation of the “State of Israel” was announced in Tel Aviv at 4:00 P.M.
The 1948 War: A Cover up for Ethnic Cleansing Nizar Sakhnini, 16 November 2005 Ethnic cleansing was part and parcel of the Zionist project in
The Zionist Project in Palestine: Colonial Settlement, Land Robbery and Ethnic Cleansing Nizar Sakhnini, 7 October 2005 About 8,000 Jews were living in Palestine before