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Support medical equipment for Safad Hospital in Badawi refugee camp in Lebanon

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Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition (PRRC) is partnering with the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund to support Safad Hospital in Badawi refugee camp in Lebanon. Every day Palestinian refugees in Lebanon face serious risks to their lives and health due to a lack of adequate health care and modern medical equipment, despite the dedication of Palestinian health professionals who lack the resources to provide much-needed care and advanced treatment. Please join us to address this urgent situation and support a Safad hospital providing critical care to Palestinian refugees. This fundraiser aims to provide the hospital with the equipment it needs to ensure that Palestinians can receive treatment for heart disease, cancer, obstetrical complications and other urgent medical needs, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees in Beddawi refugee camp and its fellow camp in northern Lebanon, Nahr el-Bared, rely on the services provided by one hospital inside Beddawi camp – Safad Hospital. Operated by the Palestinian Red Crescent Society since 1982, the hospital has been overwhelmed by a large number of patients as well as aging or insufficient medical equipment.

Palestinian refugees do not have equal access to the Lebanese health care system, and Safad Hospital is a lifeline for generations of stateless Palestinians, denied their right to return for over 72 years. A new hospital building has been constructed to accommodate the patients who need its services, but the hospital does not have the modern medical equipment, including ventilators, surgical supplies, maternal and obstetric care devices, cardiac and cancer care equipment and other devices necessary to protect Palestinian refugees’ health and lives and provide appropriate treatment.

Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, is partnering with the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund to raise $40,000 to support medical equipment for Safad Hospital. This is only one part of an overall project of more than $1 million, but this is a critical action that we as Al-Awda PRRC can take to support our people in the refugee camps continuing to hold fast to their right to return despite their immense suffering.

In April 2020, Al-Awda PRRC and its partners raised over $50,000 for COVID-19 aid and relief supplies for the camps in Lebanon. We are confident that we can do this once again with your help, participation and support. Please join us to give generously today.

Watch this video to learn more:

Your donation can and will make a direct difference for Palestinian refugees in northern Lebanon who need access to modern standards of health care and treatment, including specialized care. Your support for the steadfastness of Palestinian refugees in the camps makes clear that they are neither alone nor forgotten, but are indeed supported with efforts to protect their health for the generations of return to come.